365DESIGN offers helideck repair works including - deck and communication system of oil rigs, installation or repair of helideck lighting system

The purpose of the one umbrella system of offshore helideck repair works, we do detail survey and update the systems which are the priority for operations as per standards.

We take up new installation works of the circle & H lighting (CHLITE SYSTEM), HAPI- HELICOPTER APPROACH PATH INDICATOR- Safe zone, Zone 1 & 2 model also.

We supply HAPI- helicopter approach path indicator with stabilizing platform or rotation platform.

HAPI for offshore helidecks (Oil n Gas industry or Marine Industry)

  • MARINE HAPI with IP66 rating- safe area model
  • MARINE HAPI EX-rated or Explosion proof marine HAPI
  • MARINE HAPI with Gyro Stabilizing platform- GYRO HAPI
  • MARINE HAPI - Multi-Angle Approach 

Stabilizing platform mainly used for drillships, Semi-Subs, FPSO & Vessels.

Rotation platform- Multi-Approach HAPI mainly used for Jack-up rigs, the fixed platform for multi-approach angle landing of the helicopter. HAPI here works Automatically as Wind direction, which will be helpful to pilot to land on helideck in any time or weather.

We manufacture, Ex-rated HAPI or Explosion proof HAPI or Safe area model HAPI

Accessories of HAPI- Stabilizing platform & Rotation platform for offshore & onshore industry.

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