Helibase relocatable Infrastructure:

365DESIGN after successful handling of offshore helibases- the research and devlopment team of 365DESIGN has come up to ease the helicopter operators in their operation contracts which they undertake in International or remote loocations for small period contracts.

Now no need of constrcution of helibase by helicopter operator and invest money on infrastructure for each location. so we offer services to relocate the existing infrastructure of helibase or make a new helibase temporary for operations, The new package can be used mulitple times in any locations, it will be one time investment on infrastructure that too at very low cost.

Any helicopter operator wants to establish a base for operations for short period to fulfill contracts, they can go for helibase relocatable service. which we offer as package.

Helibase relocatable package:

1. Most of sites will be next to airport using airport runway, if its remote locations, Helibase platform / heli runway, landing platforms will be built using our unique product and temporary landing pads,, Solar helipad Lighting will be provided for day and night operations.

2. Relocatable Hangars as per requirement (which is desigend for windspeed morethan 230 KMPH and heavy Snow load)

3. Heli operations staff office space

4. Staying Quaters with all amenities

5. Dinning Area 

6. GYM or Sports area

7. Portable helipad for remote base landing for operations

8. Automated Weather station (with App for IOS, Android for pilots)

9. Communication system

10. Fire fighting system

11. Fuel storage and Refuelling system

12. Power Back up system 

13. Water purification plant

14. Sewerage treatment 

15. Washing area for helicopters

Helipad consulting
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